We actually made it back to Sydney last Wednesday but, between a full day of washing, cleaning and grocery shopping and two games of football over the weekend, it might as well have been yesterday.
And, yes, Austin and I handled the boys-only trip back from Melbourne like a couple of seasoned professionals.
Our planned 900 kilometre journey became 1,162, and we twice broke the 'no longer than 1.5 hours without a break' rule; on one occasion pushing on for well over three without driver fatigue or a single scream from the back seat.
We learned that every town has a pub bistro and that each of these has a high chair. We learned that when it rains an information centre is the best substitute for a playground. They come with adoring elderly folk and an abundance of pamphlets for a young lad to redistribute.
We also learned an awful lot about Ned Kelly.
And this keeps at least one little traveller at equilibrium.
To be honest, the all-family trip down the south coast had given me a few nerves. I'd done all the driving, while Kate had done a great job of keeping Austin amused.
How would he cope without all those smiles and tickles?
As it turned out, I needn't have worried. The lad did me proud. Sure there were a few grumbles in the last hour of the final day, but coming back into Sydney is always a hassle and I was as keen as him to get back to Rozelle.
And, almost a week later, it's finally starting to feel like old times.
Click here to view some photos of the trip.
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