Then they took to it with chalk.
In the midst of all of this mischief-making and love-thy-neighbouring, Austin made the most of the art table set up by the mum across the street and painted a picture I call The Sullen Calf.
I wouldn't read too much into this, though. There's not much point. Depending on its orientation, it could also easily be either The Galloping Grasshopper or Noah's Technicolor Ark.

Regardless, it's certainly a big milestone. Though not his first painting - that came at last Tuesday's playgroup - it is the first to be painted on a surface I could bring home.
Most of his debut work was done on the table. Some also fell across a doyley. The rest on a wee lad called Charlie.
A wee lad who thankfully has a very understanding mother. But now I know what to expect. And, after his street party success, there's every reason to expect he'll make a beeline for the paint station when we return to playgroup tomorrow.
Until last week he hadn't even noticed it was there, so it will definitely make a welcome change. I just hope the roller coaster isn't offended.
And that Charlie is better prepared.
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