is all about the joys, challenges and lessons of being a bloke in the role of primary caregiver.

From January to December 2009 I had the pleasure of being at home with my eldest son, Austin, for months nine to 19 of his young life. It was a blast, but it wasn't all easy.

This site captures it all. From self-feeding to potting training; the politics of playgroup and the suspicious looks from all those mums on the high street. There's recipes, activities and road trips. There's SAHD news from around the world. There's things not to do on online auctions - no matter how long your child's afternoon sleep.

It may inform, inspire or amuse. Heck, it might just do all three.

Wednesday, June 17

Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

We may have been the first country to qualify for the next World Cup, but if every winter is like this Austin is not going to learn a heck of a lot about football. At least not that which comes from getting out on the pitch.

For the fourth-straight week rain has sunk the Lane Cove West Wednesday evening training session. And, though only half-way through our 18 game season, this weekend will be the third with a second (Sunday) game to catch up on others postponed due to water-logged pitches.

Whatever happened to the Lucky Country?

And it doesn't get much better on the home front. Sydney's rain never bothered me in the old days when I spent my time in an office. At home with a toddler, it's a very different story. All of sudden there's a bunch of things you can't do; mostly the ones that have the added benefit of exercise.

To make things worse, we now have a little boy with a head cold.

No Thursday morning playgroup for him, no Thursday morning adult interaction for me. Through the noise of rain on our tin roof, this is starting to sound like a case of cabin fever or road trip.

Because surely it can't also be raining in Mittagong. Surely.

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