Yep, that's what the show does to you.
And it turns out there may be a parental justification. These are otherwise known as the moral high ground.
There's been a lot written about how popular the show is. Cripes, it's been in my Top 5 Online Distractions for a record four weeks. Great minds, as they say.

At just 15 months, Austin is too young to watch MasterChef, let alone cook, and for reasons that include these and our own self-interest is put to bed at 6.59pm.
The show starts one minute later.
However, if this is part of a bigger, probably global, possibly enduring "kiddie food movement", I'd like to think I'm doing the right thing by prioritising my kitchen skills now to enable me to nurture (or, if TV does that, endure) Austin's in nine or ten years time
Better safe than sorry, don't you think sis?
Read the SMH story here.
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