is all about the joys, challenges and lessons of being a bloke in the role of primary caregiver.

From January to December 2009 I had the pleasure of being at home with my eldest son, Austin, for months nine to 19 of his young life. It was a blast, but it wasn't all easy.

This site captures it all. From self-feeding to potting training; the politics of playgroup and the suspicious looks from all those mums on the high street. There's recipes, activities and road trips. There's SAHD news from around the world. There's things not to do on online auctions - no matter how long your child's afternoon sleep.

It may inform, inspire or amuse. Heck, it might just do all three.

Friday, March 20

Another Launch

It’s been a while between blogs. Not that it really matters – it truly has been a soft launch. Only four people know it exists, and just the wife and I know where.

That was until this morning. A friend sent me a request to be their contact on Linked In. In the process of updating my profile I noticed a blog option and thought ‘hey, I have one of those – kinda’. So, here we are. Again.

The honest truth is that I didn’t lose interest after just two posts. As Kate and I know from reading the last one, customer service in Australia can be a frustrating and painful thing.

So it was that we had a two week wait to have broadband connected at our house. The time since has been filled with selling this, buying that and, of course, managing the days of our soon-to-be-one-year-old boy.

I’m delighted to say that that task is going to plan. He’s eating well, sleeping well, moving rapidly towards walking and enjoying our daily adventures. Granted these are mainly runs around the bay or trips to the shops, but you have to start somewhere.

Speaking of which, I think I might cheat and write tomorrow’s blog now.

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