And so it was that, with things under control for the evening's dinner party, the house spic-and-span and Austin overdosed on play time, the two of us settled down at 4.30pm yesterday to watch a DVD on the first ten years of the English Premier League.
One on bean bag with milk. One on couch with Budweiser.
This sort of thing is ideally suited to just after Sunday lunch, but I know those times will come, and that they will be plenty. There's a Sunday at the end of every week and it's not like this is the only football DVD we have.
That said, it's also not a bad place to start.
From 1992 to 2002 the Premiership was graced with some fantastic players. The Owens, Fowlers and Shearers. The Fowlers, Owens and Beckhams. The list really does go on. Towards the end the film also features a young Steven Gerrard, but he has a DVD of his own.
He also has his photo on Austin's wall; his name and the number four on the back of an England shirt tucked away for a birthday to come. I look forward to the day our lad starts to choose his own heroes but, for now, what's wrong with a little encouragement?
Then again, he may have already figured it out all by himself...

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