is all about the joys, challenges and lessons of being a bloke in the role of primary caregiver.

From January to December 2009 I had the pleasure of being at home with my eldest son, Austin, for months nine to 19 of his young life. It was a blast, but it wasn't all easy.

This site captures it all. From self-feeding to potting training; the politics of playgroup and the suspicious looks from all those mums on the high street. There's recipes, activities and road trips. There's SAHD news from around the world. There's things not to do on online auctions - no matter how long your child's afternoon sleep.

It may inform, inspire or amuse. Heck, it might just do all three.

Tuesday, March 24

My Child Has No Hips

Okay, not literally. And, yes, he is a boy. My point is simply that he can’t keep his trousers up – or at least the ones he should be in at his age.

We were sorting through his clothes on the weekend and discovered that Austin is still comfortably getting into a few pairs of 3-6 month shorts. He also has a stack of 6-9 month gear which is a long way from staying around his waist without a pair of braces.

The kid is a twig.

Not that this is a bad thing – especially in the age of childhood obesity – and obviously he has time on his side, but at the risk of sounding overly metrosexual he does have some lovely things from London and New York which were purchased with ages and seasons in mind. And then there’s the stuff bought as an outfit where he’ll have outgrown the top before his hips can handle the bottoms.

As his wardrobe grows (no clothes for his first birthday, please) the problem grows with it. We’ve always had one draw of ‘upcomings’ and another of ‘way offs’, but we’re now at the point of needing a spreadsheet to avoid having a pile of clothes that we forgot we had and never got on him.

And that would be a fashion crime.

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